
ChargeSini: Key Challenges in EV Adoption, Insights from CEO James Goh

The New Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP2030) aims to propel the nation’s EV industry forward. It targets substantial EV investments to achieve a 15% total industry volume (TIV) for electric and hybrid vehicles by 2030, escalating to 38% TIV by 2040.

The plan also sets an ambitious goal of establishing 10,000 public charging stations by 2025, ultimately striving for carbon neutrality by 2050. However, as the country works towards these goals and sees growing interest and investment in electric vehicles (EVs), their widespread adoption remains sluggish.


To get a better picture of the scene from the eyes of a charge point operator (CPO), spoke with James Goh, CEO of ChargeSini, to shed light on the underlying factors affecting EV uptake and the company’s strategic efforts to address these challenges.

The Real Roadblocks to EV Adoption

One of the critical obstacles hindering EV adoption is the insufficient availability of charging facilities. While the high cost of EVs and low petrol prices are often cited as barriers, James emphasised that the primary issue is the lack of convenient and accessible charging infrastructure. Even if EV prices drop and petrol prices rise, adoption will remain slow unless charging stations are widespread and easily accessible.

The Five Essential Charging Locations

EV adoption to accelerate, James highlighted five key areas where CPOs need to focus their EV charging facilities roll-out:

1. Residential Areas (Landed, Condo, and Apartment)

2. Workplaces

3. Leisure and Recreational Locations

4. Travel Routes (Highways and B Roads)

5. Public Spaces (Religious Venues, Parks, Streets)

Focus on High-Rise Buildings

With a population of 9 million in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur and about 5.8 million high-rise units, approximately 75% of residents live in high-rise buildings. Many of these residents face challenges convincing building management to install EV chargers. ChargeSini, according to James, is focusing its efforts on rolling out chargers in these high-rise buildings to support potential EV adopters.

Currently, most EV owners who are also landed property residents do not rely heavily on public charging facilities, resulting in low revenue for Charge Point Operators (CPOs). This scenario creates a vicious cycle where low public charger usage discourages further investment from CPOs in charging infrastructure roll-out, thus slowing overall EV adoption.

Overcoming Building Management Resistance

Many condos that are willing to install EV chargers only allow a maximum of four bays. This limitation leads to significant problems, especially since most Chinese EVs come equipped with around 60 kWh battery capacity but only accept 7kW AC charging. This results in each car taking 5 to 8 hours to charge, reducing the availability of chargers for other users as EV numbers grow.

Strategic Roll-Out for Enhanced EV Adoption

The key to overcoming these challenges is ensuring a balanced rollout of charging facilities across the five essential areas mentioned. This approach will boost consumer confidence and drive EV sales.

ChargeSini aims to address this matter by offering cost-free, zero-capex charging solutions with profit-sharing models to incentivize property managers and local authorities to allocate the space needed to install EV chargers at no cost to them.

Policy and Regulatory Support

Additionally, relaxing the stringent regulations and reducing the costs imposed by government bodies and local councils on CPOs are crucial steps. These measures will help create a more favourable environment for the expansion of EV charging infrastructure.

The Importance of AC Chargers in Urban Areas

Despite the allure of DC fast chargers, data shows that most urban charging occurs at AC locations due to lower costs, battery preservation, and the lack of urgency in charging. DC chargers are most beneficial for quick turnaround needs, such as for e-hailing services in city areas and for interstate travels at highway laybys.

ChargeSini’s Strategic Focus

ChargeSini, says James, is prioritising the installation of AC and low-power DC chargers in high-rise buildings and public spaces. This strategy aligns with the practical charging needs of most EV users and will help accelerate the overall adoption of EVs in major cities.

Presently, ChargeSini has installed chargers in 151 condos and high-rise buildings, with more slated in the pipeline. This focused effort is expected to play a significant role in overcoming the current hurdles and driving the transition towards a more electric future.

By addressing these critical infrastructure challenges and supporting regulatory changes, ChargeSini aims to make EV adoption a more viable and attractive option for residents in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, and beyond.